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Business Advisor & Honorary Director

Dr S T Salunke

Experience & Activities

Dr S T Salunke is M Tech, MS Mech USA , MBA UK ,FIE Mech & PhD with over 27 years of rich overseas and indigenous experience in Automobiles & Industrial component such as –bearing, allied parts, machines and sub assemblies manufacturing industries spearheading business operations with focus on top line & profitability. Worked as a Core Member of Corporate Steering Committee of German and Indian MNC to review the overall business performance, taking corrective action and creating strategies for future business growth. He was responsible for global business development, Corporate R&D, Product Design, Testing, Application, Innovation engineering solution, project management, plant set-up, expansion project, product costing & finance management, technical and business risk assessment, board presentation, brand positioning, customer selection, supplier selection, supplier quality assurance, supply chain of current products and finalization of production plans. Experience on Plant/ Operation management for multi location, Process Engineering & Operation and HR management.

Invented 6 Patents,18 are in process and published 12 Management Research papers four Engineering research paper in International Journal and presented six papers in International conference. Also working as Honorary Professor in Management Business School and Engineering Institutes for Post Graduate and research scholars